Landline Features

What is Direct Distance Dialling?

The Direct Distance Dialling features allows PLDT Customers to make long distance calls to any part of the country and the rest of the world.

How can I activate my PLDT Direct Distance Dialling?

Customer should have no outstanding balance and account is not under treatment.

To request for activation, go to PLDT Home Support Page, select Aftersales Requests and click Activate NDD/IDD to fill out a web form, or send us a message through PLDT Home Facebook Messenger and choose "Account Services".

How long should I wait before my DDD feature is activated?

Processing and activation time is within 24 to 48 hours upon issuance of service order.

Is DDD activation free of charge?

Yes, DDD activation is free of charge.

I want to deactivate my DDD feature. How do I request it?

To request for deactivation of DDD feature, you can log in to myPLDT Smart app from Google Play or Apple App stores and choose "Help Ticket" and then "Aftersales" and under "Category, select "Feature Activation" and fill out the form and under remarks type in "request for deactivation".

How to lock, unlock and change the pin of my DDD feature?

Your default PIN is "1234"

To change code: *85*Present Code*New Code#
To lock: *54*Four digit code #
To unlock: #54*Four digit code #

Is there a charge for Direct Distance Dialing?

Yes,the following standard charges will apply:

Landline calls outside your home zone rate: P5.10 per minute
International Call rate: $0.40 per minute
Mobile rate: P14.00 per minute

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