There are several factors that may affect your internet browsing experience. Here are a some of them:
- Your internet speed may be affected by multiple and simultaneous users with different online activities such as heavy downloading, video streaming, online gaming, apps with auto-updates, etc.
- The specs of your PC, laptop or mobile device may not be compatible with the speed of your plan which prevents you from reaching the maximum speed. You may consult with your personal technician on how to optimize the performance of your device.
- Check your internet speed by performing a speed test through by Ookla or download the app for smartphones and other wireless devices.
- For wireless connection, make sure that you are acquiring good signal.
- Only one device should be connected to your internet
- Choose the nearest PLDT server in your area
- Turn your modem OFF for 5 minutes and then back ON. After restarting, try reconnecting to the internet.
- Optimize your device by following these recommendations:
- Remove unnecessary apps or apps running in the background
- Disable automatic syncing
- Turn off animations
- Update your apps regularly
- Change your WiFi password regularly to avoid unauthorized users
If this does not resolve your concern, go to PLDT Home Support Page, click on
Report A Service Issue, or send us a message on PLDT Home FB Messenger. Restoration of service may take 3-4 days.