• April 3, 2020

    PLDT HOME strengthens support for Filipinos

    With classes suspended, people working from home and the community quarantine in effect, people are spending more and more time online. The internet has become a lifeline for many—with people relying on it for information and allowing them to stay in touch with loved ones. PLDT Home recognizes this and continues to fulfill its role in enabling Filipino families with connectivity and solutions so they can keep living their lives despite the pandemic.

  • April 2, 2020

    PLDT HOME strengthens support for Filipinos

    [1 April 2020] Manila, Philippines – Leading telecoms and digital service provider PLDT, Inc. reaffirmed its assurances to its customers that the company is exerting all efforts to continue providing vital communication services despite the constraints imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • March 27, 2020

    Here are your top online resources while working or studying at home

    Do more than just watching videos with double data from PLDT Home Wifi

  • March 19, 2020

    How to make the switch from office to home office

    More and more companies are implementing a work-from-home scheme to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. For many employees, this sounds like a dream (No traffic! No need to leave the house!) but there are preparations to be made to ensure productivity. Working from home is also a good chance to strengthen your values—both your own and your family’s.

  • March 19, 2020

    7 Safety Tips for your family at Home

    Safety starts at home. Maintaining a clean and healthy environment at home is important to safeguard yourself and your family from any illnesses.

  • February 14, 2020

    5 Things to enjoy with your double data from PLDT Home WiFi Prepaid

    This February, show your love to your family by getting the fastest, most affordable, and family-sized home internet for your household as PLDT Home WiFi Prepaid.

  • February 8, 2020

    Come Home to Love this Valentine’s Day

    Manila, Philippines [8 February 2020] – Everybody yearns to come home to love. May it be excited squeals from your kids, a warm hug from your spouse, or a hearty meal lovingly prepared by your mom. Love, indeed, comes in different forms. And for some families, a special love comes in the form of furs and wagging tails.

  • January 28, 2019

    PLDT Home WiFi Prepaid offers best value internet now at only P995

    Manila, Philippines [28 January 2020] – PLDT Home WiFi Prepaid lets you start the year strong with the fastest and most affordable home internet for you and your family. Now with its best value offer, you can get PLDT Home WiFi Prepaid at just P995 and even enjoy 2x data for all sites and apps. This means giving your family convenient access and more reasons to bond together.

  • Jan 30, 2020

    Three important lessons we learn from PLDT Home’s new heartwarming video

    Can you imagine going somewhere far today without any internet? Would you stay at a place that doesn’t have wi-fi? Many people might scoff at the idea of staying offline for as long as a weekend, but there are connections you might miss out on if you don’t live in the moment.

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